Alcoholics Anonymous in Manitoba

A.A. Information, Meeting Directories, and Events in Manitoba (Area 80)

Online Meetings

A number of Manitoba groups are holding online (virtual) meetings using a variety of software platforms (Zoom, Skype, etc.) Local groups can now have their online meetings added to the Online Meeting List page and the Meeting Guide App on your iOS or Android phone or tablet.

Remember, you are not limited to visiting the meeting closest to you…no online meeting is too far away to attend!

You can join an online meeting on Zoom using your computer, IPad, tablet or cell phone. However, you can also dial into a meeting using any phone.
To join a Zoom meeting using a cell phone or land line dial 1-204-272-7920
enter the Zoom ID number for the meeting, using the numbers on your phone and press the #sign
Press # or wait (Participant ID is not required)
Enter a passcode if prompted, then #sign. Many meetings do not require a pass code.
Press *6 to mute/unmute yourself.

Helpful Guides for Hosting / Attending Zoom Meetings

While Area 80 does not endorse (now are we affiliated with) any software or communication platform, we recognize that most groups which are hosting online meetings are presently using Zoom software. In the spirit of being helpful, we are providing links to the following simple documents which offer suggestions on attending Zoom meetings, as well as setting up and securing your meetings to avoid or deal with disruptive visitors:

Attending an online meeting using Zoom on your Windows PC or Mac

Information about online meetings will be added as it is received. If you have an online meeting you would like included here, please send an email the Web Team to send us the details. Be sure to include: Meeting Name, Times/Dates, Type (Open, Closed, etc.), Join Link or Phone Number, Primary Contact (both email and phone, neither are published online), and a non-personal group email address (perhaps using the group name) to display for meeting password, more info, etc.

In the spirit of the 4th tradition, each of these meetings is autonomous. They are listed here as a community service. Manitoba General Service does not endorse these meetings.

The following is reprinted from The General Service Office (G.S.O.) website.

A.A. Groups Using Digital Platforms to Find Sobriety During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

Virtual Meetings, Email, Phone, Social Media Allow Message of Recovery to Carry On — “ONE DAY AT A TIME”

March 23, 2020

A.A. Groups Using Digital Platforms to Find Sobriety During Coronavirus (COVID-19) OutbreakThe General Service Office (G.S.O.) of Alcoholics Anonymous for the U.S./Canada functions as a repository for A.A. members and groups who are looking for shared experience from the A.A. Fellowship. As the global situation related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to develop, G.S.O. is fully committed to its role as an important resource center to help navigate this unprecedented public health emergency.

It is important to note, G.S.O. is not an authoritative body over A.A. groups, nor does it initiate rules or directives, as each A.A. group and entity is autonomous and decisions are made through an individual group conscience. Providing guidance on health issues is outside the scope of the A.A. sharing that G.S.O. offers. For anyone experiencing health and safety questions, it is suggested they contact national, state/provincial and local health authorities for appropriate information.

However, in response to the global outbreak, the office does have some general experience regarding how some A.A. groups and members have begun addressing this issue. Many are following ‘’social distancing’’ guidelines established by local, state/provincial and federal officials, while at the same time maintaining their focus on recovery and facilitating digital A.A. meetings.

By attending digital meetings, group members can focus on A.A.’s primary purpose: to carry its message of recovery to the alcoholic who still suffers. Many groups have alerted local A.A. offices or hotlines if they are temporarily not meeting in their regular physical space. Some groups have shared that they are utilizing digital platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, or conducting conference calls.

A.A. groups and members are also creating contact lists, keeping in touch by phone, email or social media. Many local A.A. central/intergroup offices and area service structures have added information to their websites about how to change a meeting format from “in-person” to a digital platform.

A.A. in the digital age has certainly taken on a new meaning in these challenging times, reminding its members and those searching for help that A.A. is not just a “place,” but exists in the hearts, minds and help offered.

For the most up to date meeting information, please visit “A.A. Near You” for local A.A. resources:

Anyone who may be seeking help with a drinking problem may visit for information about A.A.

Options for meetings online:

For information on the A.A. Online Intergroup

Understanding Anonymity:

A.A. Manitoba (Area 80)'s website provides links to the websites of other organizations, some affiliated with still other organizations. Linking to any other website, including but not limited to websites affiliated with other organizations within the Alcoholics Anonymous service structure, does not constitute recommendation, sponsorship, or approval of such website by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. , nor of the products, services, or content published, provided, promoted or offered by such websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content, practices, rules, or methods of other websites, including, without limitation, the collection, dissemination, use, or protection of personal data, your use of tracking technology, or your level of computer security. Furthermore, A.A. Manitoba (Area 80) cannot authenticate the accuracy, relevance, currency, legality or completeness of the information provided by any other website.