Alcoholics Anonymous in Manitoba

A.A. Information, Meeting Directories, and Events in Manitoba (Area 80)


Alcoholics Anonymous’ Seventh Tradition states:

Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but also their intergroup/central office, local services, district, area, and the General Service Office remain self-supporting. This keeps A.A. free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose — to help the alcoholic who still suffers. The amount of our contribution is secondary to the spiritual connection that unites all groups around the world.
Out of respect for our tradition of self-support, only contributions from A.A. members or groups can be accepted. Thank-you for your support!

Mail in financial contributions by cheque or money order made out to Area 80 Manitoba General Service can be sent to:
Area 80 Manitoba General Service
PO Box 1212 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2Y4

E-transfers can be sent to

Birthday Plan

The Alcoholics Anonymous (Area 80) Birthday Plan is one avenue through which we can express our personal gratitude in sobriety.

From the paragraph called “Where Money & Spirituality Mix” [AA Guidelines – Finances] :

Contributions are made in a spirit of sacrifice, and they honor A.A.’s code of “love and service.” Contributions also underscore the spiritual nature of our Fellowship and our mutual love and trust. We have found that these contributions are as important to each member as they are to the service centers supported.

If you are already a member of the Area 80 Birthday Plan, we want to personally thank you. If you were at one time, but are not sure whether you have been active, please take the time to send us an email, and we will update your contact information.

If you choose to join the plan, you will receive an email from the administrator on your sobriety birthday, offering the opportunity to contribute a voluntary amount. Members customarily contribute $1, $2 or even $5 a year for each year of sobriety—others may give a few cents a day for each day of their sobriety. Thank you in advance for supporting A.A. in Manitoba! Your Birthday Plan contributions enable Area 80 members to further our primary purpose: “to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety”.

A.A. Manitoba Central Office

Contributions to Manitoba Central Office can be made by e-Transfer using the email address:

Mail in financial contributions can be sent by cheque or money order made out to Manitoba Central Office and sent to:
Manitoba Central Office
1856 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0G9

Manitoba Central Office also has a Birthday Plan. Call the number below for more details.

Please call the office during regular business hours if you have any questions: 204-942-0126. Thank you for your continued support of Manitoba Central Office!

Contributions to the General Service Office (G.S.O.) of Alcoholics Anonymous in New York can be made as follows

Our Contributions Address Has Changed!

Checks in U.S. dollars payable to “General Service Board” may be mailed to:

Post Office Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407

Checks in Canadian dollars payable to “General Service Board” may be mailed to:

Post Office Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, N.Y. 10163

More information and an electronic payment option to contribute to AA General Service (G.S.O) in New York is available on the official website of the AA General Service Office (G.S.O) at